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Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 19th: TJS Progress Report

October 19th: Wednesday

Time for another progress report:

My training is feeling AMAZING. My strength is skyrocketing. My endurance in Jiu Jitsu is climbing. My grip strength is getting ridiculous. Diet is admittedly at about 80% (and climbing). Results are still coming, but I’m honing in even tighter. Doesn’t mean I’m giving up Coors Lite or Sprinkles Cupcakes, but just being smarter about when.

Step 1: RELIGIOUSLY track macros (protein, fat, carbs) everyday. This tends not to be a problem on the weekdays but Mr. Saturday and Sunday feel a little left out. This will help a lot.

Other than that I’m right where I want to be.

1:30PM: Pre Workout-P(3)+10g BCAAs

Squat Day



240-9 (need to increase my max next for next 4 week cycle. Could have easily done more, but eased back a little)

KB Front Squats (28kg)-8,6,6

Double KB Outside the leg Swings (32kg)-8,7,7

60 seconds between sets

Romanian Deadlift with overhand grip (265) 6,6,6 (about high shin level)

Single Leg Calf Raise (36kg) 10,10,10

60 seconds between sets

Post Workout: Flame Broiler (white rice, beef, teriyaki sauce, and side of broccoli)

5:00 PM: 10 oz potatoes with ketchup, large salad with olive oil, 12 oz chicken breast

9:00 PM: Quinoa noodles, broccoli, 3 eggs, butter

10:00 PM: Small banana, ½ scoop casein, ½ cup 2% milk

Great day. Gonna feel this tomorrow!

Feeling tighter. Weight has not dropped much. Getting used to the diet and really figuring out my body. I'm my own experiment. Strength is up and got a little less around the middle. What more could one want!?


Cory said...

Marcus, thanks for posting your journal for us, very helpful. Do you happen to know your blood type? I am looking into blood type diets and am curious if your high protein diet matches up with your type. Are you type O?

Marcus said...

No prob. I don't know my blood type to be honest. I've always responded well to high protein, high fat (long stretches) but I just know that's not going to be the rest of my life. When I dip below 150g protein I just don't feel right. I'm not too familiar with Blood type diet.