Welcome to a world of Strength and Fitness

Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct 24th: De-Load Week

Today was the first de-load, high rep week. This begins the 4th week of the plan so I’m almost ½ way done.

12:00 PM-HPN P(3) + 10g BCAA

12:45 Bench Day

40%-95lb-5 (not even warmup weight)

50%-125lb-5 (not even close)

60%-145lb-hit it hard to get 25 reps. Basically till my arms were going to fall off

-2:00 min between sets

Fat Grip curls-(105)-5 (70)-20

Bar Dip (40kg)-5 (BW)-20,15,10,5=50 reps

Ring Pushups (45)-10 (BW)-25

Ring Row (45)-12 (BW)-22

Great workout. Definitely got a good sweat in.

2:00 PM-cinnamon toast crunch, almond milk, chicken breast, sweet potato, ketchup (I was in sweet cinnamon heaven)

4:00 PM-Banana

7:45 PM-1/2 chicken (no skin) pita, garlic sauce, 1 cup white rice

10:00 PM-chocolate almond milk, casein, light chocolate syrup

Another great workout. It’s amazing looking back through the workouts and seeing the progression. That’s my favorite part of this. Tracking!!! So crucial.

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