Welcome to a world of Strength and Fitness

Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oct 22nd: Cardio Fun

October 22nd: Saturday

Today was a cardio day. I used the Pure Powder from HPN about 20 minutes before. Felt great and ready to go.

Sandbag Circuit (Arion Sandbag): 3:00 minutes: Alternated through: deadlift, row, clean, front squat as many times as I could

Plate Circuit (45lb plate): Alternated through: Front Raise, Press, Curl, Front Press (killed the shoulders!)

Moved into intervals

4:00 minutes per station (15 on/15 off)

Sprint Bike

Prowler Push

Heavy Jump Rope

This was actually a blast. Hard as hell but got me sweating and my heart rate was through the roof!

This is the first weekend I’ve REALLY, TRULY honed it in. I’ve always been a little lax on my weekends and this plan is actually changing my mindset (you don’t change your way of acting by thinking differently, you change your way of thinking by acting differently).

10:00 AM-10g BCAA, Pure Powder

12:30 PM-1/2 chicken, large salad

3:00 PM-1/2 almond butter sandwich (low carb bread)

6:30 PM- 4 eggs, 4 slices turkey bacon, cheese, cup of broccoli

9:00 PM-2 light beers

11:00 PM-1/2 cup Fage, ½ cup cottage cheese, 2tbsp almond butter, low carb jam

Till tomorrow.

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