Welcome to a world of Strength and Fitness

Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quick Fix?

There are no quick fixes. Why does this topic still exist? When will people learn? You don’t out-train a crappy diet, there is no magic pill and there is no “best” method of training. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love kettlebell training. For my clients and me it is one of the best ways to get strong, get lean and get athletically and functionally fit.

But, and it’s a big ol’ butt, it is NOT the end all be all. Nothing is. Nothing ever will be.

There is no “one way,” there is no “right way. There is only your way. I touched on this in regard to nutrition. Well, the same holds true with training.

A quick fix is a quick break. When you try to drop 12lbs of fat in a week or gain 30lbs of muscle in a month you’re destined to end up right where you started when you were looking for the initial fix.

I just saw a before and after pic of some guy on a site that will remain unnamed and they specifically wrote, “Quick Fix!” First of all, I loved how the before pic of one guy had a tattoo and the after pic (30 days later) there was no tattoo. Hmm...I call shenanigans. Of course, he might have had tattoo removal in the four weeks but my guess is a guy using “Quick Fix” in his marketing is bound to try a few other things.

After working with the test subjects for our MTS program it shows that nothing comes easy. 20+ pounds lost and a few pant sizes down don’t come easy. They’ve been working hard with the kettlebells, but that wasn’t the “quick fix.” All the pieces put together are what turn it into a powerful machine.

So, there’s no quick fix. There’s no “one way.” We get that. Then what? Where do I turn?

Worry not! I won’t leave you hanging.

For those looking for optimal strength and conditioning with minimal equipment or want to free themselves from traditional gyms here’s what I recommend.

-A couple of kettlebells (different sizes. Heavy enough for double work that will stimulate strength)

-A Jungle Gym or pair of gymnastics rings

-A Weight Vest

-Your Body

None of these tools are anything new, nor is there anything magical about them. You don’t NEED these tools in order to get into phenomenal shape but I have found what I do need is a set of tools that allow me the freedom to train where I want and allow for plenty of progression. From awesome core strength to flexibility and mobility these tools hit just about every area.

Mission accomplished. No quick fix, just hard, disciplined work. Of course, throw in your own methods as I do occasionally with barbells, sandbags, Macebells, and ropes but the bulk of my training is performed with the aforementioned trio (weight vest and body count as one in my book.)

Have fun, stay hungry and learn to love the process. Don’t worry. Results will come quicker than you think.

1 comment:

Personal Training Chicago said...

It better to do a workout at fitness gym if your to maintain your good body shape. Workout Gym is a best way to loss the weight and fats.