Welcome to a world of Strength and Fitness

Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Racking up your strength.

Are you a looking for tons shoulder strength and endurance without the wear and tear of constant shoulder pressing? Then the kettlebell rack is one of the best exercises for you.

The kettlebell rack is one of the simplest exercises, or should I say static holds, there is. You simply clean the kettlebell into the rack position and hold it. How much easier does it get?

The list of benefits from this exercise range from a great fatiguing drill pre shoulder presses for a great pump or for the more functional, killer core strength and shoulder endurance. You want to be careful if you have back issues because it puts a lot of strain on the back.

While using one kettlebell works, two is amazingly difficult. This is also a great shoulder conditioner for you Girevoy Sport nuts. While the point of the rack for GS is rest it’s also very smart to practice the position to learn to get comfortable. Jason Dolby once put me through a GS workout and made me hold the rack for what felt like an eternity. Trust me when I say, treat the kettlebell rack with respect! I learned the hard way.

I use the rack on clients, particularly my MMA fighters as a great way to force them to keep their shoulders up. A few minutes of hell is a solid rack with a pair of heavy kettlebells, followed by jerks and then some Indian clubs as active recovery.

If you’re new to the game then just use one kettlebell. Don’t bring the hips too far forward. Keep the emphasis on the shoulders rather than the GS rack. As you progress work your way to two bells and enjoy the pain! And by enjoy I mean do everything you can to not cry.

Try this simple routine for your shoulders with a pair of moderately weighted bells

  1. See saw press: 60 seconds
  2. Hold Double Rack: 60 seconds
  3. Max Pushups (preferably on rings or Jungle Gym)

-Rest 60-90 seconds and repeat 2-3 times

Brutally effective (probably one of my favorites, both routines and pair of words.)


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