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Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Save Money and Even a Life or Two...

Most of you reading this are in great shape, most likely in the upper echelon of the strength and conditioning community. But this, my friend, is not for you. This is for the people you know and love. This is for those who are if not already fighting with, on their way to being diabetic.

I was at the pharmacy and saw a line (long line) of products from blood testers to testing strips and more. The cost of these things was crazy! Now, this is obviously not geared to those with genetic, you were gonna get it no matter what, type 1 diabetes, but for those that are teetering on the edge due to over-consumption.

The most amazing part is that it’s completely reversible! The dangers of diabetes are nothing new, but leave everything out of the equation except the price. There’s always a price for everything. In this case there’s not only a physical price your body pays, but also the actual money spent on an ongoing basis on the medication, testing machinery and refills. That adds up! That’s a lot of money over the years that could be spent on far better things. There’s also the price that we all have to pay due to increased health-care.

This to me (again, not for those who were born with diabetes) is the equivalent of a smoker paying for cigarettes. Cigarettes cost money, but that flow of disposable income to Phillip Morris is gone as soon as the addiction is kicked. The same goes for those with adult-onset type 2 diabetes. You kick the habit of over-indulging and your sedentary lifestyle and guess what goes out the window: the cost (physically, mentally, and monetarily).

So back to us fitter folks. How can we help those who feel this is something they have to battle for life. Get them to start moving AT ALL COSTS: A walk, a tai chi class, or an extreme kettlebell circuit. Well maybe not the last one, but the point is they need you. This is not a revolution started by one person. Whether you’re in the fitness business or not, you need to do something about.

Again, going back to your wallet, you’re paying for these people one way or another so it might as well be through time and encouragement. This has been a friendly reminder. Think of it this way. You help one person and by their example will in turn help someone else and someone else and…you get the idea.

So help them (and yourself in the long run) save some money and you just might be saving a life or two.


Train the Trainer Course said...

Hi guys,
This post is very useful and very interesting to read, Really this Post is providing nice information,Keep it up.
Train the Trainer Course

IronMan24 said...

Interesting take on the issue. The problem is 1 in 3 Americans are either overweight or teetering on the verge of obesity.

Take years of bad eating habits, little activity and or motivation. Now add diabetes into that equation, a disease that requires constant dietary moderation, and effort to manage.

Most individuals with type 2 diabetes are little equipped to manage the challenges of their own weight, let alone the complexity of a disease like diabetes.

That is why, rather then trying to get these people to change after the damage is done, it is imperative that others encourage them to develop healthy habits BEFORE anything happens.

It's a tricky situation, and trust me as a type 1 diabetic for over 12 years I understand the cost. However, exercise is medicine, and it makes all the difference in the world to live a healthy active lifestyle diabetes or not.

So take it from me, as an athlete and trainer with diabetes (type 1 genetic), it pays off to live healthy, and if you want to live a long life and avoid those costs, it's better to make positive changes now rather then down the road.