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Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are You Evolving?

Are you evolving?

I had an interesting day today. I found an old journal from 6 years ago and while going through it told me a lot about myself and why I’m where I am today. It also showed me what I hadn’t accomplished (based on my goals back then.)

The key thing I looked for was progression. Have I pushed myself more? Have I achieved what I wanted to achieve back then? Have I evolved since that date?

There were some really cool things in there like the original sketches of what I wanted in a training facility and ideas that I had (which have since happened), but there were also some goals that I hadn’t achieved yet which only inspired me further.

My question to you is are you evolving? Where are you now from where you were weeks, months, or even years ago in regards to your strength and fitness levels?

Are you evolving in your knowledge in your chosen activity or sport? There is only one way to find out and that’s assess where you were and where you are now. The only way to do that is to document it. Most people don’t keep track of day-to-day things because it seems pointless but I guarantee you it will become a valuable resource one day.

This is why tracking your diet, workouts; etc is so vital to seeing long-term results. Without it you’re basically flying by the seat of your pants. You might have a goal in mind and even a plan but to not know the results and if something should change is basically wasting your time.

So if you aren’t keeping a journal, do it. If you are, look into your past. What were you writing about? What did you want to accomplish? What are you doing now that’s different from then? Is it working? Is it the same thing? Ask yourself these important questions.

You don’t have to get all philosophical about it. Just look at it as a P and L statement, in black and white. Am I progressing? Am I evolving? It might require a little thought but just turn off your TV and spend a few minutes doing it. I love Dexter just as much as the next person, but it can wait. Otherwise just resolve yourself to the fact that tomorrow, next week, and next year is going to look exactly the same as today.