It's so easy to get so excited about a training method or workout plan to lose sight of what's important, making progress. Take kettlebells for example. So many people are discovering this awesome tool and after swearing it's the only way they will ever train again burn the shit out of their shoulders and backs by going snatch crazy. Just as with any tool you need to learn the in's and out's before you jump in. Completely immerse yourself in it by learning from a professional, picking up books and DVDs and finding as much information as you can.
Going back to the kettlebell example, less is definitely more when starting out. A little kettlebells goes a long way in your training. Start with a few sets of swings in your workout and then add from there. I hear this over and over from emails from people asking how to avoid shoulder burnout (or worse, how to fix shoulder burnout.) Know your limits! If you just learned to drive a car you wouldn't sign up for the Indy 500. Look at the kettlebell greats from every discipline from girevoy sport to hard style and everywhere in between. Ken Blackburn, Steve Maxwell, Mike Mahler, and the many more I can't name. See how they do it. Study their ways and why they do what they do. They're the top guys in the industry for a reason.
Above all, don't treat kettlebells like your favorite song where you listen to it over and over again until you burn out. If you're new and you saw the latest news report on some stupid Hollywood trainer using kettlebells, don't run out to Wal Mart and buy the toy kettlebell package. Research it. It's not a fad. It'll be here tomorrow.
There is a lot of good that kettlebells offer from core strength to strength endurance to grip strength and they are the tool of choice for many including myself. It's not the only tool I use, however. Just as in running or any other exercise that requires repetitive motions the risk of overuse and injury is prevalent. Be smart about your training. Don't push the intensity for intensity's sake.
If you are burned out there's a very simple solution that quickly overlooked for more expensive methods. Just put the bell down! I know, too easy right? It works, though. Put it down for a week and just do something else, anything else. You'll feel better and come back stronger. Simple advice is normally the best. Just like hormonal issues. Hormonal replacement and expensive supplements or more sleep and de-stress? I'll take the free methods thank you very much.
So here's your plan. Research your method, study it from people who know what they're doing and attack. IN THAT ORDER! There's no shortcuts in this life. Just more efficient paths. Here's to a long training life.
Keep on training!
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