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Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Friday, July 8, 2011

What is Functional Training?

Are you a functional training fanatic? Will you only do things because they are viewed as “functional?” What the hell is “functional training?”

Let’s break this down…

The first question one must ask when jumping into functional training (FT) is “to what function am I training?” One thing may be functional to you but of no value to someone else. FT is completely dependant on the individual and is so riddled with variables that it amazes me when someone doesn’t want to do a bicep curl because it’s “not functional.”

What exactly is not functional about getting stronger arms?

FT has been taken to unbelievable extremes. My favorite was witnessing kettlebell swings on two Dyna discs. Nice.

Every exercise you perform does not need to be on unstable ground or on Bosu balls and Swiss balls and the like. Doing so does not necessarily make you “functional.” It makes you better and working out on Bosu balls.

What if you’re function was to bench the most amount of weight possible? Would it be very functional of you to perform only one arm dumbbell presses on a Swiss ball?


I used to be one of those FT-only groupies so I know what I’m talking about. The only exercises I would perform at one point were what were for the most part deemed as “functional.” One arm presses on Swiss balls (I know, I know), squats on the Bosu, etc, etc. If it wasn’t “functional” I didn’t do it. Why on earth would I want to be dysfunctional?

Then I grew up. I realized that in the training world there is no black and white. There is no right and wrong (unless we’re talking form) and I started a path of lifting heavier, lifting smarter and training like an athlete and not just an FT drone.

What happened?

Well, I’ll be jiggered! I got stronger and in better shape faster than the time I was only training FT. I became a better athlete and I had a STRONGER CORE. I emphasize the core because one FT claim is that you will be have a stronger core by doing things unbalanced. While you will build you balance a bit, it is not necessarily the only way to build core strength. Weighted planks, Deadlifts, kettlebells; these are all tools that will build core strength better and faster than Swiss ball crunches!

Should you never do an unbalanced exercise? Of course you can. You just don’t want to become an extremist throwing out everything in one camp or the other. It’s become so cliché in the fitness world but take what is useful and lose the useless. If you’re goal is to become the best surfer, you might want to work on the balance. If you’re goal is to get stronger, you might want to start squatting and deadlifting.

Again, there is no black and white, there is only your goal and you’re perception of what is functional. Don’t get caught up in the hype of one direction or the other. Strive to become a well-rounded athlete and you’ll be just fine.

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