Welcome to a world of Strength and Fitness

Kettlebell Training is by far one of the most effective and efficient tools available. All forms of unconventional and conventional training have a place in your strength and fitness, but to us at MBody Strength, kettlebells are king! Fore more info check out MBody Strength.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Law of Accumulation

I met a client of mine, who is also a very successful business owner, for lunch one day and we just happened to start talking business. Go figure.

I asked him what the key to his success was. How did he build his fortune in an industry that seemed to be over-flowing with competition?

While most people would be expecting some insane marketing ploy or sales strategy he just told me one thing:

The Law of Accumulation.

He wasn’t trying to sell me some long drama of how he fought his way to the top and stood over his empire like Caesar over Rome. He just said, “Everything counts.”

There was a lot of power in that statement. It seems so simple and it is. Every single thing counts. This applies to all areas of life. Great books written took a page at a time, great fortunes built started with a dollar. Every journey begins…you get the picture.

How this applies to fitness is simple. Every single meal counts. Every training session made or missed counts. Every late night counts. It all adds up just as in a business’ balance sheet.

If you are not where you want to be start keeping a detailed journal of everything. Not just training sessions where you killed it or days when your diet was spot on, but everything! The workouts missed, the nights you stayed up late, and the amount of beer you drank. It all counts in moving you in one direction or another. This will give you a clear picture of where you stand.

This is not news. It’s just a reminder to take inventory of everything that you do. That everything counts whether it’s building your business, your body, a relationship, etc. The more you make this a part of your life the less likely you’ll be the person that says, “Why can’t I ever get down to the weight I want” or “Why can’t I ever hit my target body fat?”

We’ve all been guilty of brushing a thing or two under the rug, but now is your chance to take a stand! Take inventory of yourself on a daily basis. If you were a business are you thriving or about ready to close your doors? Start right now because of every second counts, but you already knew that.

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